
History Of the Journal JPPF

Initially, JPPF was built to facilitate and provide opportunities for students and lecturers of the master's degree program in physics education to publish their scientific articles in journals. One of the main performances of lecturers and students at the Masters Education Level is the publication of scientific articles in journals. The performance of students and lecturers in this scientific articles is related to the performance of the study program. For this reason JPPF was built in 2012.

In 2012, the first publication from JPPF was Volume 1, Number 1. In this volume and number, there were 12 scientific articles were published from students of the master's degree program in physics education, involving their lecturers. The publication of articles in the next volume and number wasn’t continued due to various factors such as articles weren’t being submitted to the journal and the busyness of the journal manager. The demands of student performance in the publication of scientific articles with the accreditation system with nine criteria from BAN PT is higher than the previous demands. Student performance in scientific articles is related to the performance of the study program. Students of Physics education master's study program are required be supported and motivated to write scientific articles in both their courses and thesis research. With this reason, JPPF was reactivated to publish articles for students of master's degree programs in physics education, lecturers, and other research in 2019. The number of articles published in JPPF is twelve scientific articles. Scientific articles come from the results of research by students of the master's degree program in Physics education and science teachers.

JPPF was refined by adding an electronic ISSN, improving the management quality, and improving the content quality of scientific articles. The electronic ISSN of JPPF is 2252-3014. In 2020, the management of JPPF has involved editorial boards and reviewers from other universities in Indonesia. The editorial board and reviewers came from Mulawarman University, Mataram University, Bengkulu State University, Muhammadiyah Metro University, Raden Intan University of Lampung, and Papua University. By considering the effectiveness of the lecture time and the articles submitted, in 2021, the publication period of JPPF will be changed to March and September.